Sunday, April 17, 2011

Why people will sell a house for 4 crs and it will sell

I have been thinking of buying a house and most of the houses i like are beyond my budget - and i wonder why.

I mean there are houses that cost 3-4 crs- and most of them sell off like hot cakes. Or there are people who travel in 20- 40 lakh cars every day.

Luxury brands is big business here in India , a big market which makes these companies loads and loads of money. More and more brands are on their way here.
Why do they succeed? How do they succeed? I mean- we have such a large population which is in the middle class, below the poverty line and yet we find lavish houses, big cars, a shirt from marks and spensers for 3000Rs!
When i travel across India to the metros it becomes abundantly clear that our society is so hetrogenous that the nara of inclusiveness that the congress government sings makes a lot of sense.

For these luxury brands- they are not looking for large volumes, a few sales ( one of the large automotive companies was talking of selling 1300 cars in a year as its target) get them the money.

At least 3% of indians are filthy rich - businessmen, politicians ( declared assets being in hundreds of crores) and expats who are becoming more common here in india.

 3% of 1.2BN is a very very large number of families.

These 3% corner most of the markets in India- large houses , cars and push the prices up for the rest of us- making it more difficult to get basics out of life- Roti, kapda aur makan.

The worst part is that the 3% make all the rules in India- hence they are never going to focus on trying to drive Inclusiveness ( it is just a nara).

So- when you get frustrated trying to fight out a battle on why prices of a house are so high, or cars are getting higher- understand that the companies do not have a problem and they have a sufficiently large market to drive their sales- and your voice is not important to them.

So- what do we do... ensure we spend right, enjoy life!

Happy investing.

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