Friday, December 30, 2011

One more day - for a new year

It's just another 26 hours for a new year here in India to start- less than 26 hrs.
How soon the year has passed, it just seems like yesterday that I wrote my new years resolutions and now it's time for me to critically examine what I have achieved in my personal life.

It's my annual appraisal :)

I wanted to do three main things
1. Take care of my health
2. Write my blog often- at least once a week
3. Start a part time business

Well my report card has very few stars or accomplishments. I have not come out with flying colours but my report card is better than last years. Last year there were no wins

These resolutions are important - that's why one makes them. AND it extremely important that you adhere to them. Having done a little and better than last year makes me feel good. But I must remember that having only done partial stuff is of no use

I am thinking of what my critical priorities are - what my resolutions are for next year. I have a little more than 25 hours more time

Have you thought about yours

Be smart

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