Saturday, January 21, 2012

Taking the first step towards entrepreneurship

I find a lot of people in Indja trying to start their own business . This from people who have no business background.

It's extremely heartening to see the spirit of entrepreneurship coming alive in India.. Taking wings!

With this trend I also will see failures , some of mine and some of people i know and interact with

But I will also see success ..
Meet people who are passionate about things.. Doing things differently.. Thinking differently

One of my favorite quote is
" definition of stupidity - doing the same things again and in the same way and expecting a different result"

Each of us needs to evaluate how different their paths are going to be - how to take the first step and evaluate entrepreneurship

I have taken a step- albeit a small one - to test the waters.. I will be looking to build my network - if you would like to be included - give me a buzz

But - evaluate what your passion is - and your dream and if entreprenuership is a way you can achieve it

Smart investing

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