Saturday, August 25, 2012

Whose water is it... Water at the price of milk

I saw a program today on NDTV INDIA , where a question was raised about water and private companies who sell water to us in the bottled form.

The question being " whose water is it that they are selling, back to us"

Now i am not sure of what the commercial contruct of the way the companies are " buying" water to create these massive chain of bottled water so that it is sold at almost every nook and corner of all towns and cities.

But what a concept, bottled water is almost as expensive as milk!

They say that water is the next oil.. It will be the reason for wars - and it looks like that is going to come true ..

What is the financial aspect of this- water conservation!

I see a future soon where we will be paying more for water and water being a " controlled commodity" . Water conservation will help ensure that soon is " later, or a potential future"

Rain water harvesting, not wasting water resources - all will help.

Bangalore has made rain water harvesting a requirement for societies.. When will the other governments make this so..?

Even if the governments dont.. I hope you will... Lets make this into a movement.. Its for our and our childrens future!

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