Tuesday, September 18, 2012

iPhone 5 will save the US economy

I read a very recent article about how the iPhone 5 will actually add about 0.33% to the US economy in the current quarter. To the US GDP

This is absolutely not a small number and will enable a recessionary economy which is growing at 2% or so to get a 15% boost !!

Now apple is also supposed to launch the iPad mini and some other innovative products in the next few months also

I spoke to a few people on what they thought about the iPhone 5 and people were quite excited to say the least. I chatted up while traveling with the check in attendant for jet blue and he told me that he was going to upgrade 3 of his mobiles by the end of the week to iPhone 5

Now all of you know my feelings about new technologies and how difficult they have become and for a phone paying 50,000 Rs is absolutely crazy

But hats off to a truly innovative Apple

Making money by apple- now that's Simplefinancialsense

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