The man drives in his mercedes benz dressed impeccably . A beautiful leather bag at his side , confident and resplendent.
Thats the image most people have in their minds of a financially free person. A person who is not working for money .
A normal man wearing normal clothes , driving in a normal but decent car bringing along with him a good but used bag is definately not in the minds of people a financially secure person .
The issue being if you have it.. you must flaunt it.
There is a great book called "the millionaire next door " ( one can get a digital version from amazon kindle ) which talks about the many many millionaires in the us who drive second hand cars , stay in normal neighbourhoods , save a lot and are unassuming people.
In India we have so many of such people , businessmen who run their shops , small scale enterprises and start ups.. or even professionals who are unassuming .. all potential crorepatis.
Double income families actually tend to be more consumeristic that single income families. Each person having their own incomes and spending habits.. not coming together for financial goals.
Always remember that an unassuming person maybe higher up the financial value chain.
Dont assume for an unassuming person ...
Thats simplefinancialsense
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