Sunday, January 16, 2011

Online Shopping site

One of the trends in the market is going online to shop , and hence save additional money ( hey its a financial blog right!)

Online shopping sites are blooming by the dozen. Having tried out a few of them, i would like to share a few of my experiences. Here are some Key tips.

1. Always verify if the product is second hand or first hand -- especially on websites like
2. Verify how the payment will be made- on delivery or right upfront.
3. Check the return back policy- especially if there is something wrong about the product- who bears the cost of sending back the product.

While doing the surfing i have found a few sites that i think are good...

1. fashionand you.

It has a good range of products, a lot of them branded ones. They are today having a sale on reebok goods at upto 77% discount, sometime back they had some good sales on blackberrys and in the new year they had a Rs 11 sale-- to celebrate the 2011 new year!!
2. Dealsnyou
Here, the deals are sent daily- one can get it on their emails or cellphones and quite good deals on food and other activities..

So go ahead and join. Here is the link once again..

fashionand you
Deals and you

Go ahead.. enjoy some neat discounts.

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