I was listening to the financial planner on BTVi and the Investment Tax was mentioned on the programme.
The word rang a bell in my mind and has been running through my mind for the last few weeks as to what does it really mean to me. This post is an attempt for me to write things down and provide clarity to myself to its meaning in my life ( please do send in your comments .. would be great do hear from you all )
1. Invest before you spend
This is the same thing as pay yourself first.. which basically means that as salaried people as our tax is cut before it reaches our hands , we should also consider investment as a TAX and cut the investment amount before we start spending. If there is no money to spend... one will not spend.
2. Investment of your time to learn new things
Every professional career needs replenishment. Honestly none of my companies have given me the fuel by themselves to help me to think and learn something new through a training program. Usually the training programs are not what i would like to attend.
So , we need to make investment in ourselves to remain relevant to the organization and the markets. So we need to from our investment pie keep some money separate to be able to spend on learning experiences.
3. Invest in insurance
Insurance is a must. There is no two ways about it. Insurance cannot give you wealth or make you bankrupt, but it can definately save you from bankruptcy.
Make the investment in insurance before you spend on mutual funds
What do you think... i feel understanding and discussing such concepts makes people much better than what they were before..
Sharing and learning. . Co learning
Thats simplefinancialsense
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