Sunday, August 9, 2020

Why you should "Own your own time"

imagine a world where you only needed to work when you felt like it. You could get up early or late... read a book or bake a cake... go to the gym when it's not too crowded ... be there to celebrate your children's birthdays, or your anniversary or even go and attend a 100% of parent teachers meeting. 

The above paragraph is what it would feel like if you owned your own time . Freedom to do what you want and when you want it.

This can only happen if you  were financially free. If you had enough wealth to take care of your needs and wants even if you were not children of Ambanis or Tata or Birla. 

To be financially free one either needs to be extremely lucky , be born in a wealthy family or be disciplined in financial investing. 

The third part is extremely important .. that option implies that anyone can become financially free if they start early enough and stay consistent in their plan. 

I have  friends from the professional world who lost their jobs but still did not have too much tension from a day to day living perspective.  Let me give you some examples 

Example 1 
A friend who has been based in the US for many years.. from Hyderabad who in early 2018 was laid off . He was a great professional... is .. but due to some unforseen and unfortunate circumstances he lost his job. 
We spoke quite often and after a few months he still did not have a new job with him. He was not panicking and one day he told me that he had immediately on losing the role done a calculation and found that his net worth was $ 6Mn. He did not need to work at all. He has young children but they could be well taken care off with his funds flow. 
However he continued to focus on finding a new job because he had too much time on his hands and he had 15 yrs to go before retirement.  

Example 2
Here is a story of a friend who I met a few years ago. He tells me of a time when he used to sleep on floors over a newspaper. A Gujarati, he always dabbled in equity and over time he invested in stocks which have given him stellar returns.He started small but started young.  

He lost his job 18 months ago.. and hasn't found a new one since then.  Extremely talented but unfortunately got stuck in office politics. 

He told me that he has enough money to last him without any work for another 90 years. His son is a stellar student and will continue to go to college outside of India.

He started his own start-up while looking for a new role... keeping himself busy. 

Adversities can hit us anytime... we need to prepare for them.  How we can support ourselves by focusing on being financially prudent and financially smart ....

That to me is simplefinancialsense!

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