Sunday, January 10, 2010

Passive Income 2-- Creating a simple Network

All right-- this is the second in the part of my series of Passive Income and I am going to evaluate how to earn money by building a "simple" network.

First lets start with understanding what a network is.

So lets say i recommend a product to 5 of my friends AND they recommend the same product to 5 more friends--- then i have 25 people in my network ( 5X5) within my first level.

Lets assume i go 2 levels deep-- then i have 125 people and 3 Levels deep-- 625!!

You can now use this network to do many things.-Hire people, Get a new job, Rent a house etc etc..

Useful little concept isnt it.

Now IF in this Network-- I can get a part of the commission for everything that the network does-- then i have created a revenue stream for myself!!

Look at how linkedin works.. it will give u an example of how networks are used in a professional environment.

So -- after all of this explaining -- lets take one example of a simple network ( simple because of the low effort required) is a company which earns its revenues by advertising people's products by the use of SMS. So what it is does is that it pays you and your network for every SMS that you receive from mginger. They use your details to evaluate what products you would like and what region/ city you belong to...

It pays you upto three levels of your network...

Handy to just read something out of your cellphone once or twice a day...

am attaching the link once again-- come join my network @

keep coming back for more...

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