I met up with a friend last week in Gurgaon and had a nice revelation on the expensive power situation in his colony. His house had 100% back up-- which means even an AC works on power back up.
The backup power comes separately- through a separate powerline and has a separate power charge and separate Meter.
This really inflated their power costs- and they immediately took a few steps which make huge amount of sense to save power-- Switch to CFL's.
Now i know that they would not have taken this step - if it did not hit their pockets- But it makes so much more sense-- does it not-- to save electricity costs even otherwise?
Our country is a power deficient in most states in India- If we all contributed to move to CFL's which save us money-- imagine what the benefit for the entire country and the impact on an already starving infrastructure will be.
The CFLs pay you back in six months time or less-- even at the price that the electricity board charges... Why dont you make the move to change to CFL's and see your cost of electricity drop.
There are multiple good products out there in the market- WIPRO, GE, sylvannia-- all of the good companies manufacture it.. dont go for the chinese ones-- they are cheaper - but dont give off the same amount of light.
I am not a person who wants to be frugal-- but using CFLs is a really a great way to save and also help improve the carbon footprint of self and family.
Make the move... and save-- money as well as the environment.
I am going to make the move to CFLs this month-- and will give you an update on my electricity bills...
Happy Investing
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