Saturday, February 18, 2023

What does it mean to "be" rich

Today , I listened to a Ramit Sethi . He was in a podcast of a FIRE enthusiast. It was an eye opener..or a brain starter.

The FIRE enthusiast was talking about how Ramit focused on the 360 view of what it means to be rich...that life wasn't about just making more money ..but about living life fully.

There was a point about how the age of 40 to 60 is the time to be spending money..because while you may have more money at the age of 70 ..but you will not have the energy to be able to live life 

Of course no one is saying that one should spend with no care..but to spend money which enables experiences to be built..something that will build memories. 

Life is about living and using money to enable's not about living to make money. 

It's simplefinancialsense

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